Ambion Inc. acquired by Applied Biosystems
2130 Woodward St. Austin. TX 78744-1832 USA |
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+1-512-651-0200 |
+1-512-651-0190 |
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RNA-based reagents and products | |
Korean Distributor : ¿¤¿¡½ºÄÉÀÌ (LSK-Life Science Korea) |
Products information :- Ambion ¡æ Ambion Inc.
- BioDetect ¡æ Nonisotopic Detection System
- BrightStar ¡æ Nonisotopic Detection System
- DECAprime ¡æ Random Primed DNA Labeling Kit
- GlycoBlue¢â ¡æ consists of a blue dye covalently linked to glycogen
- KinaseMax¢â ¡æ 5' End-Labeling Kit
- MAXIscript ¡æ Vitro Transcription Kit
- MEGAscript ¡æ High Yield Transcription Kits
- MicroPoly(A)Purist¢â ¡æ mRNA Purification Kit
- Millennium¢â ¡æ Marker Probe Template
- mMESSAGEmMACHINE ¡æ High Yield Capped RNA Transcription Kits
- NorthernMax ¡æ Complete; Ultrasensitive Northern Blotting Kits
- Poly(A)Pure ¡æ RNAs; cDNAs & Northern Blots
- RNA Century¢â ¡æ Size Markers
- RNAlater ¡æ Tissue Collection: RNA Stabilization Solution
- RNAqueous ¡æ Micro Kit 50 purifications
- RNAsecure¢â ¡æ unique non-enzymatic reagent
- RNaseZap ¡æ RNase Decontamination Solution
- RNAwiz¢â ¡æ single; homogenous; organic reagent
- RPA II¢â / RPA III¢â ¡æ Nuclease Protection Assays
- Strip EZ¢â ¡æ Probe Synthesis and Removal Kits
- ToTALLY RNA¢â ¡æ purified RNA undergoes a stringent DNase treatment
- ULTRAhyb ¡æ Ultrasensitive Hybridization Buffer