Bel-Art Products
6 Industrial Road. Pequannock. NJ 07440 USA |
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+1-973-694-0500 |
+1-973-694-7199 |
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Tools for Science | |
Korean Distributor : °í·Á¿¡À̽º°úÇÐ¢ß (Korea Ace Scientific corp.) |
Products information :- Accropet ¡æ Pipettors
- Bel-Art ¡æ Bel-Art Products
- Bel-Bulb ¡æ Pipettor PK-2
- Captor ¡æ Pen Holder
- Cellspinbar ¡æ Cuvette Stir
- Chromerge ¡æ Concentrated Labware Cleaner
- Clavies ¡æ Autoclavable Polypropylene Bags
- Cleanware ¡æ Bottle Brush
- Collector ¡æ Mercury Collector
- Cool Stir ¡æ Scienceware Egg-Shaped Spinbar Stir Bars
- Cryo-Safe ¡æ Vial Storage Boxes
- Cube 2ube ¡æ Tubes offer the advantages and convenience of pipetting 2.2ML per tube in a 8 x 12 96 well format
- DesiCan ¡æ Desicooler
- Digi-Max¢â ¡æ slide caliper
- Dry-Keeper / Dry-Keeper Plus ¡æ Large Desiccator and Auto-Desiccator Cabinets
- EASYPLATE¢â ¡æ Petri Dish Rack
- Ellipso-Spoon ¡æ Samplers
- Ergopet ¡æ Pipettors
- Freez Guard¢â ¡æ Alarm monitors freezers
- Frigimat ¡æ Cub Dry Ice Maker
- Fritware ¡æ Porous Polyethylene Sheets
- Holdfast ¡æ Graduated Cylinders
- Hot Hand ¡æ Hand Protector
- Lab-Aire ¡æ Glassware Dryers
- Label-Off ¡æ Label Remv 170770000
- Labmat ¡æ Bench Liner
- MANOMARK¢â ¡æ Pens
- Manostat ¡æ Colony counter
- Max ¡æ Memory Pipettor
- Micro-Mill ¡æ Grinding Mill
- Minipet ¡æ Pipettor
- Mini-Sieve ¡æ Micro Sieve Set
- Mopet ¡æ Pipettor
- No-Wire¢â ¡æ Autoclavable Vial And Bottle Racks
- Odo-Clave ¡æ Neutralize autoclave odors with your choice fragrance
- Pipette Pump¢â ¡æ Pipettor
- PolyGrid ¡æ Centrifuge Tube Rack with Black Vinly Finish
- Poly-jaque¢â ¡æ lab jack polypropylene
- Portapet ¡æ Pipetter pipette filler/dispenser
- Poxygrid ¡æ 96-Place Test Tube Rack
- Precisionware¢â ¡æ Wide Mouth High Density Polyethylene Bottle
- PrepSafe¢â ¡æ Floating Microcentrifuge Tube Rack Protect your samples
- Safe-Lab ¡æ Teflon Resin Stoppers
- Safety-Vented ¡æ Labeled Wash Bottles
- Samplit ¡æ Scoop and Container System
- Scienceware ¡æ Bel-Art Products; The Scienceware Company
- Scoop An' Bag ¡æ Sterileware; Polystyrene
- Secador ¡æ Auto-Desiccator Cabinets
- Spinbar ¡æ Stir Bars
- Spindrive ¡æ Orbital Shaker Platforms
- Spinplus ¡æ Stir Bars
- Stak-A-Tray¢â ¡æ Modular rack and tray system maximizes storage for petri dishes and cell culture flasks in incubators
- Sterileware ¡æ Sampler Spoons
- Stir and Add ¡æ Cuvette Mixer
- Stopper-Loc ¡æ Nut also serves as bearing extractor
- Swing Jaw¢â ¡æ Tubing Clamp
- Techni-Dome ¡æ Glove Chamber
- Touch Free ¡æ Powderless and Powder-Free Latex Examination Gloves
- Transpette¢â ¡æ Disposable Multichannel Transfer Pipet
- Urbanti ¡æ High-Speed Filter Funnels
- Vakuwash ¡æ Cuvette Washer
- Vikem ¡æ Vinyl-Coated Lead Wire
- Write-On¢â ¡æ Label Tape adheres to any clean surface