Cole-Parmer Instrument Co. ¡æ Fisher Scientific International Inc.¡æ Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
provides a complete range of quality laboratory instruments; equipment and unmatched applications assistance for the biotech; research and technical communities worldwide | |
Korean Distributor : ??? |
Products information :- Accucal¢ç ¡æ Flowmeters for Process Control
- Acorn¢ç ¡æ Thermistor Thermometers
- Air Admiral¢ç ¡æ Vacuum Pump & Air Admiral Station
- Air Cadet¢ç ¡æ PRO for Dry Vacuum/Pressure Pumps
- B/T¢ç ¡æ Masterflex¢ç B/T¢ç Precision Pump Tubing
- C/L¢ç ¡æ Masterflex C/L Tubing Pumps
- Calimat¢ç ¡æ Infrared Calibrator and other Calibration Equipment products
- CatsEyeAgent¢â ¡æ Delivering Solutions
- Chempette¢ç ¡æ Repetitive Dispensers with Bottles and other Bottletop products
- Cole-Parmer¢ç ¡æ Cole-Parmer Instrument Co.
- Compulab¢ç ¡æ Pumps
- Delivering Solutions You Trust¢â ¡æ delivers solutions you trust
- Digi-Sense¢ç ¡æ Handheld Thermocouple Meters
- Digi-Staltic¢ç ¡æ Pump Drive W/2 Easy Load II L/S 77200-60 Pumps
- Diss-Washer¢ç ¡æ Masterflex Customer Testimonials:Mobile Masterflex
- Dual J-T-E-K¢ç ¡æ Thermocouple Thermometers and Handheld Thermocouple Meters
- DuaLogR¢ç ¡æ Thermocouple Thermometer
- E/S¢â ¡æ Masterflex¢ç E/S¢â Portable Sampler
- Easy-Load¢ç ¡æ high-value general-purpose pump head mounts without tools or hardware
- ECTestrs ¡æ Multi-Range Pocket Conductivity Testers
- Eutech¢ç ¡æ Conductivity/Resistivity/TDS Process Instruments
- FoodTech Source¢ç ¡æ food safety; processing and quality testing instruments
- Gilmont¢ç ¡æ Fallng Ball Viscometer
- I/P¢ç ¡æ Masterflex I/P Tubing Pumps
- Industrial Advantage¢ç ¡æ protection zone- solutions for fluid handling; measuremsent
- InfraPro¢ç ¡æ Oakton IR Thermometer
- InnoCal¢ç ¡æ Pump Reconditioning Program
- InnoTrak¢â ¡æ Free Asset Management Tool for all your certifications
- Jiffy-Jack¢ç ¡æ Apparatus Positioners for Laboratory Equipment and other Clamps and Supports
- Kate¢ç ¡æ Desiccants And Accessories And Drierite Drying Column
- L/S¢ç ¡æ Masterflex L/S Pump Tubing
- Lab WareHouse¢ç ¡æ ###
- Labcor¢â ¡æ Consort Multi-Parameter Benchtop Meters
- Liqui-Sense¢ç ¡æ Emergency Cut-Off System
- LiveWires¢ç ¡æ ###
- Manostat¢ç ¡æ Peristaltic Pumps
- Masterflex¢ç ¡æ Peristaltic Pumps
- Micro-V¢ç ¡æ Magnetic Stirrer
- Mono-Mold¢ç ¡æ Standard Stir Bars
- Oakton¢ç ¡æ scientific instruments for research; industrial and educational uses are famous for their unique combination of innovative design
- ORPTestr¢ç ¡æ Pocket-Sized Meter
- pH Wand¢ç ¡æ Electrodes
- pHTestr¢ç ¡æ pH Test Strips products
- Polystat¢ç ¡æ Air-Cooled Portable Industrial Chillers for Laboratory Equipment and other Baths
- Preston¢ç ¡æ Veristaltic Transfer Pump
- Quick Load¢ç ¡æ Masterflex Size 13 Pump Head & Used Quick Load Pump Head
- Ramp Clamp¢ç ¡æ Keck Glassware & Tubing clamps
- Rapid-Load¢ç ¡æ Pump Head
- Roto-Torque¢ç ¡æ Rotator and other Rotating Shakers products
- SaltTestr¢ç ¡æ Pocket Sailinity Testers
- Science Notions¢ç ¡æ ###
- Science Specialties¢ç ¡æ ###
- Simon¢ç ¡æ Manostat¢ç pump
- Singles¢ç ¡æ single-syringe infusion pump
- Slim-Line¢ç ¡æ Stir Bars
- StableTemp¢ç ¡æ Digital Utility Baths for Laboratory Equipment and other Baths and Circulators
- Stir-Pak¢ç ¡æ Heavy-Duty Mixer System and other Laboratory Mixers products
- TDSTestr¢ç ¡æ Multi-Range Pocket TDS Testers and Conductivity/Resisitivity/TDS Pocket Testers
- Tech Board¢ç ¡æ Circuit Board Manufacturing Pump
- TechClip¢â ¡æ Stopwatch
- TempTestr¢ç ¡æ Infrared Thermometer and Handheld Infrared Thermometers
- The Protection Zone¢ç ¡æ ###
- Torbeo¢ç ¡æ Hand-Held Homogenizer
- Tri-Sense¢ç ¡æ Digital Temperature Indicator with Probes
- Vela¢ç ¡æ Hot Plates
- Vera¢ç ¡æ environmentally-friendly food preservative
- Weigh your Options¢ç ¡æ ###